Itunu Pepper: Ojoro
Itunu Pepper: Ire Cover (Original by Adekunle Gold)
Itunu Pepper: Ojiro
* Can I meet you please?
My name is Itunuoluwa Eweje but I go by Itunu Pepper. I’m a graduate of MA Psychology with business Economics and marketing from University of Dundee. I’m the 3rd of 3 children born of my mom and I have an adopted sister who comes after me.
* For you, is Music inbuilt or something you developed?
Music has literally become my life. I think it’s inbuilt. It just took me some time to discover. Well, maybe not too long as I fell in love with the art at age 8. I guess I’ve just been on an upward journey ever since
* How and When did you start as a Music Artiste?
When I started to consider myself an artiste was in 2010 or 11 after I recorded my first song. It was a song I had written my mom for mothers’ day. Hearing how I sounded in record just sucked me right in.
* As a Music Artiste,how has it been so far and do you just sing during your leisure hours for pleasure or you are a full-time Musician?
Music has been a journey. I’ve had up moments and not so great moments. It stopped being a leisure thing many years ago and I’m not aware that I can’t do without creating music. I’ve tried to quit many times when the going got hard, but I literally couldn’t. I’m currently a full time musician and a songwriter. I also write songs for other artistes.
* What else do you do apart from Music?
Apart from music I also run a side business of hair care products. We haven’t launched but we’re definitely coming through.
* What perception about music generally do you want to change in this modern day society that we live in? And what innovations are you planning to bring into the Music Industry?
My perception of music is that it is spiritual. I don’t think I’d change anything. It’s like trying to change the kind of clothes people wear. It’s an expression and for every type of sound, there’s a community of people who deeply appreciate it.
What I personally bring to the table is the emotional aspect of the art. Because music is spiritual it’s able to do things on the inside that really can’t be explained. There’s so much hate in the world because people have stopped ‘feeling’ things. When you are able to feel things, it makes you more human.
* What are the challenges you face as a Music Artiste that you think other artistes might also be facing? And what is your advice for fellow artistes on ways to tackle these challenges? Also your advice for upcoming Music Artistes and youth out there in general?
The challenge with pursuing music is that it is expensive! But thank God for social media. It has really helped a lot. Gone are the days when you must be signed by a label before you ever make something out of your music career. My advise for other artistes trying to break out is put your self out and be consistent. The latter is actually extremely important.
* What Genre of Music do you sing? And how many singles and collaborations have you been able to pull through so far,that is, recorded,produced,promoted...
My roots are R&B but the African culture has played a huge role in my evolution as an artiste. It’s more of Afro-R&B if I can say that. At this point I think I’ve lost track of how many songs I have done so far. Honestly
* What Music project are you working on currently that you would want to give us insight about?
I recently put out an EP called ‘Vex Mode’ which I’m extremely proud of. The song off the EP are on all major streaming platforms and also on my YouTube channel ‘Itunu Pepper’. So yeah, we are still on the ‘Vex Mode’ movement.
* Where do you see yourself in the next five to ten years?
In the next 10 years, I see myself (career wise) touring. I see myself writing songs for major acts around the world. I see myself scouting for talents and making it easier for truest talented individuals to make an impact.
* How does anyone who would like to listen to your songs download them (The download links for some of your songs would also be available for download on this interview page); Then how would someone who wants to invite you for a show contact you? What are your Social Media handles like your Facebook page and Instagram ID, Twitter Handle?
You can listen to songs on major music streaming platforms like iTunes, Spotify, Deezer and the likes. Some can be downloaded for free as they are on some Nigeria blogs. A quick google search of ‘Itunu Pepper’ should do it. I also have a YouTube channel as I said earlier, where I like to interact on a more personal level with fans of my music. I can be contacted via social media or email for shows, interviews etc. That’s @itunupepper on IG, Twitter and Itunu Pepper on Facebook,
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Thank you very much for granting an interview with you...May God give you more inspiration for More Excellent Music...
Itunu Pepper: Thanks a lot for reaching out!
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog is a Lifestyle Blog Featuring: Motivational || Inspirational || Entertaining Contents On Relationships & Career You Can Also Connect On: Instagram: @olagbenderebeccasblog Twitter: @orebeccasblog Facebook: Olagbende Rebecca's Blog YouTube: Olagbende Rebecca's Blog
Sunday, 16 December 2018
"There is so much hate in the world because people have stopped 'feeling' things" _ Itunu Pepper, Music Artiste
How do you handle "Competition"?
I had wanted to write about this for a while but I sure did not know which angle to write from. Everyone sure knows what "Competition" means but I will like to awaken your consciousness (that is, if you do not already know) to the fact that we have what is called an "Healthy Competition " and an "Unhealthy Competition".
In my own words, an "Healthy Competition" can mean when two or more people are striving to achieve a common goal for personal gratification without wishing one another any negativity whatsoever while an "Unhealthy Competition" obviously means the opposite.
The above brings me to an opinion that although some people practice healthy competitions but unhealthy competitions are more prevalent in this generation of ours. Friends want to see their friends fail just because they are not succeeding in their own pursuits.
Therefore, the question remains; "How do you react to competition?". To every man their own but I will like to toss my own side of the coin. Some years ago when I was in school, I always felt compelled to work very hard in school and come out with the best grades majorly because I never wanted to dissapoint my parents.
Year by year, I worked harder and harder in my studies just to maintain the top grade. And whenever a new student who is absolutely intelligent comes to my class. I would begin to read more and work harder automatically. I would even go as far as telling my parents at home to start praying hard for me so that the new student does not take my position at the end of that term (a funny child I was😀).
All in all, what I am trying to say is that, a competitor should bring out the hardworking spirit in you not a negative attribute of not even wishing the person well or saying common "congratulations" when the person actually succeeds.
You should also learn to acknowledge the success of a competitor, and work towards succeeding in that same business also. Little do people know that wishing someone well is one of the prerequisites of succeeding in life businesses...
Have a change of heart today to make your competitor an acquaintance. You do not have to be friends but more importantly, you do not have to be enemies either.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
"Most clients use inferior paints only to expect the best"_Decorative Painter, BOMS K. Gift
* I would like to meet you. My name is Rebecca. How about you?
My name is BOMS Kingsley Gift. I am from Portharcourt, Rivers State. I am into painting...
* Your kind of painting, is it called just painting or what exactly do you call it?
Decorative painting.
* Wow cool, from the pictures of your works, you seem really good at what you do, Is decorative painting something you learnt or something u just developed as a talent?
As a talent and also, most of things I see, I recreate my style.
* For real? No one would believe you didn't learn it...
No, I didn't 😁...That is true.
* That's lovely, what inspires you to do more of the decorative painting?
I get to see new things coming up on a daily basis, new motivating ideas and then key into it automatically.
* What exactly is decorative painting all about?
It's a kind of painting that gives your house an awesome look when ever you enter...Likewise giving it a class of its own, depending on what you would prefer being done (the design you want).
* So since when have you started doing decorative painting?
Since 2013.
* What challenges do you face as a decorative painter?
Most clients use inferior Paints only to expect the best...
* Hmmmn🤔, so do you do it as a part-time job or you are fully into it? If it is a part-time job, what else do you do if you are not doing decorative painting somewhere?
Yes, it is a part-time job for me. If I am not working somewhere, I either dance for shows or drum for events (mostly).
* 2013 is a long time, can you recall the names of some places you have worked at and some people you have worked with?
Majority are in Portharcourt, the likes of; Hon. Chima Amadi, Hon. Felix Anokwuru, Hon. Emilia and lots more...
* That is beautiful, if you get an opportunity, would you prefer to have a company that centers on Decorative Painting or simply venture into other things?
I would venture into other things so I can be versatile.
* Some of which you would like to share?
Well things like;
Modeling, wood crafts, interior designing and many more...
* Although, I have not really met anyone who does decorative painting in person but what advice would you give anyone who does your kind of painting?
My advice is, keep your dreams alive. Do not be bordered about what you are being paid now but focus on your goals and your tomorrow.
* Where do you see yourself in the next five to ten years?
I see myself having a big company of my own.
* If anyone has a job for you, how would he or she contact you?
Facebook: BOMS Kingsley Gift
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Thank you so much for your time, patience and attention...
I will never respect him anymore!!!
Over the years, I have met with a lot of lady-friends who would no longer hold any respect (no matter how little) for an older guy or man who asked them out. I have always pondered on this issue and viewed the reaction of these friends of mine as very hostile; but soon, I was able to think it through and come to the conclusion that some guys or men do not deserve this respect afterall.
For instance, in a situation whereby somebody old enough to be your father or probably your father's friend is disturbing you for a relationship, there is every reason for you to dislike this person enough not to award him any respect whatsoever.
Another example is your best friend's boyfriend or just the boyfriend of one of your random friends who is constantly asking you out in the absence of your friend. What kind of respect would anyone want to award such a person? Some bosses/employers would even threaten their female employee to either accept their "shameful" proposal or quit the job.
All in all, all these are totally unacceptable and unfair but any lady should still know the difference between an innocent guy that has good intention and an old hag that just wants to take advantage.
My opinion is that ladies (if not interested) should still try to respect but create a distance between themselves and such people; because most ladies could go as far as disrespecting/embarrassing guys who are a little older than them or of the same age in public even when they know such guys have good intentions. Most ladies usually do this in the presence of their friends either to impress them or just to show their level of decency. Now the question remains, "what happened to just saying NO? ".
Why are you still hiding?
Out of the fear of "what will people say? How will they react? ", A lot of people have buried their own destinies while still alive. We alive behind the curtains and operate therein...Why?
Have you not thought of the fact that these people who you are scared of are actually contented seeing you hide and fail. Fine, some people are of the opinion that planning in the secret is the best way to succeed, I agree, but what do you do after you plan, do you just hide your findings under your sheets without executing them?
Ask yourself what these people you are hiding from have added to your hustle and existence. Most of them just come to say "Oh! I am proud of you", "Yes! I knew you would make it" or "I use to know this guy, he used to live in my former..." they are all lies of the highest order. They just want to show the world they are associated with you in one way or the order even though they never showed any support.
Showcase yourself at every slight opportunity because nobody will showcase you besides, someone somewhere might be watching. There was this time in my life when I would always hide my abilities so that the people around me won't get threatened or jealous. When asked, "do you know how to do...", I would say, "I am just trying". With time, I began to discover that most employers, producers or manufacturers do not need an employee that is "just trying". They actually want someone that is very good at what he or she does. Thereby, this "I am just trying" statement has made me lose a lot of opportunities.
Do not ever debase yourself or hide your abilities because you feel somebody would get jealous. We do not have the same destinies and our paths to success are different. Make use of your potentials to the brim to achieve maximum effect and watch yourself succeed.
HOW DO YOU HANDLE IT: When a younger guy has a crush on you/When you are crushing on an older lady?
This topic has been buzzling in my head for days. I wanted to just blog my opinion about it straight-away but I later decided to listen to what others have to say about it before blogging.
As a form of research, I posted the topic as my Whatsapp Status...I got a lot of responses from the people who viewed my status but because it would be quiet uneasy to review everyone's responses, I would post just four of these responses so you can read my conversation with these recipients and decide whose side you are on.
R1: Infact I can give you my thought based on my experience...I am currently in that younger guy is seriously crushing on me...he even said he wants to marry me😀.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: So, how do you intend to handle it😁 or how would you handle it rather?
R1: I cannot start what I cannot finish...I rebuked his advances strongly and intermittently any time he brings the matter up...I told him it cannot work that my family will not accept. You know, I was trying to be a "good girl"😀.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: So he kept on disturbing you?
R1: Yes oh...but his disturbance has reduced because I didn't give him any face.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Hmmmn, is it that he wasn't cute 😁 or just about what people will say that is why you didn't give it a try? Or simply because you don't have feelings for him?
R1: Whoops! The guy is very very cute...with well formed muscles and he is very tall...It is very easy to get attracted to someone like that 😁. But I know it can't work...I have already set the agenda of my life and he doesn't fit into it.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Hmmn🤔, so it is not about your people complaining about him being younger, that is not a problem right? It is just about him not fitting in into your plans or is it otherwise?
R1: Exactly my point...All his plans and ambitions were not synchronizing with mine...For instance, he said he will be ready to marry me when he clocks 30 years and by that time I would be 32 years...Please, who does that?
Olagbende Rebecca: I get your point 😁. Thank you so much for the contribution. I appreciate🙏
R1: U are welcome.
R2: Age is nothing but a number.
Olagbende Rebecca Blog's: Hmmm🤔, you know the kind of society we live in, what if your parents don't agree?
R2: Is it there relationship? Or mine?
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Lol, so there is surely going to be a fight😁?
R2: Lol
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Hmmn, thank you so much for your contribution🙏
R3: Younger or older...As long as you have sense, I don't mind...Except if u are not of the age to make decisions on your own; then, I am going to have to make the person know that it can not work. With time, she will get over it...
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: "As long as you have sense"...Hmmmn🤔, most parents won't agree but youths of nowadays have been able to handle that without causing too much trouble and it now depends on if the person you are willing to cross all boundaries for have sense...Nice one, thanks a lot🙏
R3: Glad I could help...
R4: Tactical question
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: What do you think😁?
R4: Hmm, I have once dated someone that is older than me.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Cool, meaning that the age is not a big deal for you but most ladies see it as a big deal, I don't really know why though.
R4: Do not let me deceive you, the age difference must be more than two years.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Hmmmn,, so anything more than two years is not very good🤔? I get your point but why do you think it should not be more than two years?
R4: I just can not deal with an age difference that is beyond two years because of "ego". Most ladies have ego.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: But on a serious note, why on earth would a girl want to show ego if she claims to love the man no matter the age difference?
R4: Love...does it exist?
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Although, some people usually say only ladies who do not see perfect suitors to marry them on time marry younger guys.
R4: That is a lie although most women have pride.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: What makes u think so
R4: Their attitude, character, just a little negative change in their man's current situation probably financially will turn them to something else. Though not all of them.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Though some ladies can be troublesome but certainly not all of them.
R4: That is true, besides, age is just number but too much of age difference can have negative effect on a relationship especially on lady's side.
Olagbende Rebecca's Blog: Hmmn I understand besides, most parents won't even agree.
R4: That is correct.
In the course of my conversation with recipients. People asked me to share my own view about the topics. So I shared a story that goes thus;
There was this junior I had in school then, after I graduated from secondary school and was seeking admission into the University. The guy would always come to greet me at home after school so much that it began to irritate me and I began to dodge ooo😁...He would talk with so much emotions and care that I would begin to wonder if it would ever be possible for me to date him. He would call and text me everytime. I was really feeling choked but I couldn't fight with him, I was playing nice you know 😁 but deep down I knew "It would never work" and I just wanted him to go...Why I instantly rebuked is what I still don't know🤔
Now that am older, I usually think I must have ruined the younger guy's "probably" first attempt at crushing😁 and I sometimes feel guilty for shying away and not explaining reasons why it wouldn't work to him (definitely not the age thing but we both still had a long long way to go. Besides, it was obvious that we had no feelings for eachother. The young guy certainly did not know what it means to love he probably just wanted to do what his friends are doing by having a girlfriend. Also, I was only older, I really never knew what love meant myself).
That was how I concluded my research on this topic. What would you rather do in a situation like this, or better still which of the recipient's side are you on? You can comment your response here on the blog or on the Instagram post for this topic @olagbenderebeccasblog ...Thank you so much for your attention always🙏🙏🙏.
He did not say "HI" after I said "NO"
Many a time I wonder why a guy would turn a lady to his enemy just because she turned down his offer. A guy who is in love with a lady and wants a relationship with her must be able to be persistent.
Although it is said that most ladies already know whether they would date a guy or not right from the first day the guy asked them out and might just be proving the "hard to get" type. Nonetheless, any girl would gladly appreciates a guy's persistence.
However, if a guy has been persistent enough yet the lady still refuses, then she probably has her reasons. Such a guy should not treat the lady as an enemy afterwards. Even if you do not want to be friends with her, you do not have to spread bad news about her among your circle of friends or close associates because she refused you. She deserves a little respect at least.
Besides, some guys never really wanted a relationship; in disguise of being in a relationship with a lady, their only aim is to lay with her and abandon her. Therefore, if such a lady refuses their offer of a relationship, they feel she has hurt their "ego" thereby seeking vengeance firstly by treating her as an enemy. Such guys should be avoided at all cost. Especially a kind of guy whom a lady would tell, "I am in a serious relationship" and he would say, "It does not matter, your boyfriend does not have to know".
Furthermore, talking about hurting a guy's ego, getting attracted to a lady only shows you are perfectly normal and that the hormones secreting the glands that depicts maturity are perfectly working in your body. So, do not blame it on yourself for falling in love with any lady and do not blame her also for refusing you and hurting your ego. She might just be protecting herself. Make casual friendship with her if possible and move on with your life.